Company profile

Company profile

Enterprise Name: Dongguan Yuchuang Electronics Co., Ltd

Business scope: Processing, production and sales: Transformers, filters, power supplies, electronic computer accessories.

Registered capital: 6 million RMB

Registration time: February 2015 (enterprise upgrade registration)

Responsible person: Mr. Shi Zhixiang

Company address: No.1 Xiangyang Street, Keji Middle Road, Hengjiao Village, Shijie Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China

Factory address: Hengjiao Management District, Shijie Town, Dongguan City (area: 4800 square meters)

291 Xijiang North Road, Industrial Concentration Development Zone, Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province (Area: 3600 square meters)

Main products: network transformers, filters, converters, RJ45

All employees of Yuchuang Electronics are willing to work together with customers to create tomorrow's glory!

Corporate spirit: Sincerity is like jade, credit is like a mountain

Quality policy: Customer first, quality first; Green products, comply with regulations; Continuous progress and sustainable operation.

Company goal: To continuously improve quality, enhance production capacity and services in response to the growth needs of customers.